Much needed research

Posted: Wednesday 31 March 2010 | Posted by Adam Townend |

I wanted to look more closely at the business side of graphic design as a means for gaining understanding for this module but also with the mindset of this knowledge being transferable to the PPD module. I was lucky enough to a find a really great book in the library dedicated to freelance graphic design, so I took it out along with a copy of the principles of marketing.

The marketing book is so heavy on out of context theory so I am using it as pick up to find out more about specific marketing methods as appose to a marketing bible. I can look back over that book when I need too.

Anyway, the design book appeals much more and has some really useful information in it, importantly relating directly to what I am going into as a professional. Having this direct link has enabled me to get to grips with the enterprise module and now I have started to see where everything links. Before, I was a little unclear but thankfully this book has helped greatly.

I have photocopied some pages and made some notes based on what I found out too. I have also started to note down some sort of structure for the presentation part of the module, and I think I am beginning to get it, which is a relief.

